A Guide to Confession – Part 3

CHAPTER 4: Going into confession

After identifying your sins, present them before God in the confession room or booth. Begin by saying the sign of the cross, “In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.” Mention the day or date of your last confession, and then start mentioning the sins that you remember. Begin with mortal sins and then proceed to the venial ones. If you do not remember your venial sins, apologize to God and ask for his guidance to recall all your sins.

Listen to the priest’s advice and in most cases, he will assign you some penance which helps reduce the temporal punishment for your forgiven sins. Follow the priests’ instructions which include saying the prayer of distress or Act of Contrition to regret your sins, listening to the teachings of forgiveness, the forgiveness of the Catholic Church through the holy sacrament, and then conclude by making the sign of the cross.

CHAPTER 5: Post confession stage

After the confession, thank God for His forgiveness. If you for got to repent some sins, the merciful God will still forgive you. However, do not forget to mention them in your next confession. Carry out the penance assigned by the priest wholeheartedly and develop a routine of returning to the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly, to have your sins forgiven by the Most High God.

CHAPTER 6: Conclusion

Human beings are weak and prone to sin. However, God gives us a way out of sin and spare us from the eternal fire in hell only if we confess our sins and live a holy life. Through confession and repentance of our sins, God renews his promises of everlasting life and brings us closer to his Heavenly Kingdom10